In an effort to minimize health risks associated with COVID-19, the Joint Base Installation Commander has directed the following actions, in line with the NJ Stay-At-Home Order and the JB MDL Public Health Emergency Declaration:
Access to the installation will be suspended effective March 23, 2020 at 1200, for the following groups:
- Retirees who don’t live or work on the installation (access allowed on Saturdays only)
- Gold Star families (access allowed on Saturdays only)
- Disabled veterans (access allowed on Saturdays only)
- Off-Base fresh food deliveries, I.E. Grub Hub, Pizza, etc (vendor can be met at the welcome center parking lot outside the McGuire or Lakehurst gates)
- Honorary commanders
The following groups will continue to have access to the installation:
- Active duty military and their dependents (all Services)
- Reserve and Guard members who work on the installation (must be in uniform or visibly displayed in their vehicle)
- All United Communities housing residents (NOTE: Retirees, Contactors, National Guard, and Reservists who live in base housing that don’t fit into another authorized access category will need to pick up a special access badge on Monday at the Dix Welcome Center from 1200-2100)
- Balfour Beatty Communities housing residents living on Lakehurst proper (NOTE: Retirees, Contactors, National Guard, and Reservists who live on main-base Lakehurst housing that don’t fit into another authorized access category will need to pick up a special access badge on Monday at the Lakehurst Welcome Center from 1200-1800)
- Essential DOD civilians as directed by their unit commander/director
- Mission essential contractors as directed by the 87th Contracting Squadron or their Service Contracting Office
- Those who have current visitor’s passes until their expiration date (new passes will only be issued with unit commander/director or above approval)
- Mail and deliveries through Commercial Gate
- Members who require emergency access, and do not meet the criteria above, should report to the Welcome Center. Their Verbal Orders of the Commander request will be processed by the Welcome Center controller to the Emergency Operations Center and Crisis Action Team
Retirees and Disabled Veterans can travel onto the installation on Saturdays for shopping at the commissary, Exchange, MPF (ID cards only) and pharmacy (refill pick up).
Pharmacy/Medication Service Options
Retirees can utilize the TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy option. The quickest way to get started is by accessing or by calling 1-877-363-1303.
Alternatively, retirees may take prescriptions to any network pharmacy to be filled. If you have already called in your medication order or dropped off a prescription to the 87th Medical Group pharmacy, but will not have base access, have your preferred pharmacy call the 87th MDG pharmacy at 609-754-9470 (option 4), and we will transfer the prescription.
If unable to utilize TRICARE Mail Order or a network pharmacy, the pharmacy will be open from 0800-1200 on Saturdays for retirees only. Saturday pick-up can be pre-coordinated by calling the 87 MDG pharmacy at 609-754-9470.
ID cards/DEERS
Beginning Monday, March 23, ID cards/DEERS service is by appointment only for anyone accessing the installation. To make an appointment, call 609-754-4677 or visit There will be appointments available for retirees only on Saturdays.
Base passes
Effective March 23, at 1200, new visitor pass requests will only be approved if they’re accompanied with a signed memorandum by unit commanders justifying your requirement for essential personnel access.
The long-term visitor’s pass request form will be located on the JB Mobile App and Official Website COVID-19 section.
The base leadership is closely monitoring the effects of COVID-19 on our community and services. We encourage everyone to take health protection measures seriously, as this is an evolving situation. JB MDL will continue to release policy updates as they become available.