To New Jersey Air National Guard Airmen // 26 March 2020

  • Published
  • 108th Wing

NJ ANG Airmen,

The Airmen of the NJANG are on the front lines filling capability gaps supporting the State of New Jersey's response to the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, others continue to prepare for and accomplish the day-to-day mission that is so vital to the state and nation. These are unprecedented times, we are writing the playbook and everyone is watching.

The protective measures implemented by the Governor is for the protection of every citizen of the State of New Jersey. It is critically important that we do not congregate in public spaces or in our homes, that we follow the CDC guidelines on social distancing, handwashing and other tips to keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe.

It is with that thought, I feel compelled to remind you to police yourselves, fellow airmen and friends as you post comments on and/or allow comments to be posted on your social media accounts. You wear the uniform and because you do, an implied credibility and accountability is ascribed to you. There is power in that; use it wisely, use it responsibly.

Thank you in advance for all that you do each day to accomplish the mission and all that you will do in the coming days. Thank you to our families for their service and sacrifice as we cannot do this without them. Be safe, take care of yourselves and one another.

Assistant Adjutant General - Air