• Published
  • 108th Wing
Effective Aug. 14, the current JB MDL Public Health Emergency was extended for 90 days to 11 Nov.  This extension is prudent as it provides the necessary legal tools to respond to, manage and control the current COVID-19 situation on base in order to ensure mission sustainment.

We also remain in HPCON Charlie and under Phase I. 

What this means:

-We will continue essential missions with required manning
-Maximize the use of teleworking and virtual meetings
-Access to the installation will continue to be restricted except for the groups already identified
-We need to follow CDC, DoD and base-level guidance

We will continually assess the need for this PHE and adjust its implementation in a manner that balances risk to people and risk to the mission. Additionally, we will continue to ease restrictions under a conditions-based approach and with the advice from our Installation’s Public Health Team.

For more information please visit our website: https://www.jbmdl.jb.mil/Coronavirus