JOINT BASE MCGUIRE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -- Moving on up - 108th Wing members receive promotion to the next rank!
Senior Airman
Denbeaux, Luke 204th IS
Echevarria, Kevin 108th MXS
Figueras, Luzi 108th MXG
Klein, Isaac 108th COMM
Ling, Phil 204th IS
Lopez, Lance 108th SFS
Pires, Alexander 108th AMXS
Staff Sergeant
Cort, Robert 108th AMXS
Farj, Aya 204th IS
MacMorris, Sean 140th COS
Martinez, Michaeles 108th COMM
Milane, Justin 108th AMXS
Sahanas, Leah 140th COS
Zizzamia, Anthony 204th IS
Technical Sergeant
Chevere, Yvette 108th FSS
Ebbert, Jeffrey 108th CES
Jaccoud, Grant 204th IS
Leveratto, Jorge 108th MXS
Michel, Stacey 108th FSS
Rodriguez, Richard 140th COS
Vargas, Justin 140th COS
Vermandel, Brittany 108th MOF
Walker, Matthew 108 FSS
White, Martin 140th COS
Master Sergeant
Freeman, Theodore III, 150th SOS
Senior Master Sergeant
Motta, Christopher 140th COS
Chief Master Sergeant
Fiordaliso, Timothy 108th WG
Second Lieutenant
Addison, Justin 108th MXS
Lieutenant Colonel
Castro, Christian 108th
Moore, David 108th MDG LRS
Thomas, Janal 108th LRS